jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

Fake Slogans for Real People

It’s clear they aren’t going to help us, isn’t it?

Now is the time to take over the narrative.

And you think, this is not my beautiful wife, 
this is not my beautiful house. 
And you think, well, how did I get here?

Is this the history of humanity that always had idiots 
reigning over her or is this the history of a bunch 
of idiots who ended up enslaving humanity?

We need to do this ourselves.

Turn thy neighbour thy other cheek.

It’s easy to accept the diagnosis, we have gone way too far,
Earth is nearly dying, we need to change radically right 
now,thank you covid, but let’s please do this collectively.

I don’t need no policeman telling me about my health
I don’t need no doctor telling me about rules (my safety).

Slow down, cool down, scale down.

Lokalize it.

Don’t rebuild.

If we still are soul bearing people, then we need to get
rid of these bloodsuckers now.

Don’t rebuild, build new.

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