jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020

Your money or your life?

After two months of covid madness, it is time to ask the question: why is the economy being destroyed? There can be different reasons. Many commentators point to ordinary greed. They can’t keep the damn thing growing, so they need a crash to get it growing again, to be paid for by the weakest. Same old story, the system needs a regular fix. But really, two months of inactivity is leaving the economy absolutely devastated. How are we ever going to recuperate from this? With supply lines and demand non-existent, we are venting well beyond our capacity for regeneration. We could save ourselves with a full freeze, of course, no questions asked, no money stolen. Retake positions and continue. Unfortunately, the rich and restless can’t wait that long, they have been busy making money all along. So it’s not going to be like 2010, when here in Spain Zapatero had thrown his last dime at us and it was payback time until the incapacity to form a cabinet saved us from Merkel’s wrath for a year, the year of our collective recovery. This time it’s going to be much worse. It’s going to be so bad that virtually no one will save themselves. So you wonder, is that perhaps the idea?

We have been rather single-minded in our recent approach to global problems, whether ocean pollution or climate change or perpetual warfare, failing to connect the dots which unequivocally lead back to one common conclusion: too much. Too much pollution, too much war, too much suffering, too much bullshit, too much denial, too much fakery. We have become despicable, as a people and a species. We have lost all respect for life, and worse, we have lost our understanding of her. We are too submerged in our virtual world to appreciate the real one around us. And it shows. We sign petitions and we pay our dues, but we don’t change our behaviour. We can’t change our behaviour, because we don’t control our lives. Others control us. They, as we tend to address them. So, we live like pigs in a sty. We make an awful lot of noise and we shit all over the place. We are not being nice to our mother. That makes it time for revolution. Time for a new beginning. But we don’t revolt. We are nice people. So they do, because they are not nice people. It is that easy. They change the rules overnight and we are a generation under lockdown. They can do with us whatever they want. We can only stop them if we all protest together, but that has never come easy. So what’s up for us, sheeple?

The fact that Bill Gates is heavily promoted as ambassador of the covid global correction campaign, leads us back to a talk he gave ten years ago about minimising energy consumption. It’s not only about the number of people but also about what they do, Gates concluded. So there are various highways to hell. That’s the good news. The bad news is hell is not a picknick. Thus, they may have a serious energy reduction in mind. Stopping us from moving, that would make a difference. Get us all out of our cars, force us to move closer to work or make us redundant. No more transport and the whole industry around it, that would seriously bring down those CO2 levels. Not some lousy scheme to save three percent on energy, no, let’s go for fifty. It could be done and it might be a good idea. It would certainly be an interesting topic for a public discussion. Yet nothing is discussed any longer, there seems to be a plan somewhere, there must be a plan, but we aren’t informed about it. We are mere spectators of our own demise.

How many people do we need to get rid of to make a meaningful reduction in energy use possible? A quarter, a third, two thirds? Or will locking us up and controlling our lives to the tiniest detail be enough? Will our cities be turned into giant concentration camps? It is so difficult to predict how far they will go this time. When they closed the door on society back in March, it was supposed to be for two weeks, perhaps three. Now we are passing the two months’ mark and they are rumouring late June might be on the early side. The easing of the most severe restrictions will surely cause an uptick in registered infections, giving them the perfect excuse to take all this into autumn, when new viruses will be eagerly waiting to attack our weakened immune systems. Stop wearing masks, is what I say. So, what’s it going to be, starvation or some form of global communism? The longer the lockdown lingers on, the less likely some kind of national rescue plan becomes. Already, we have left the idea that this is an ordinary money grab, as in 2008, well behind us. There’s no point in having money if you have destroyed the means of production, as there will be nothing to spend it on. Money is definitely not what this is about. Then, what is?

Every next day, we are getting closer to the conclusion this whole madness is about population reduction. If they accept mass starvation as policy, not something to get all watery-eyed over, then it would make a useful tool for saving the planet. They just close off the economy and let us rot away. Day by day, week by week, grows the lockdown of the meek. The mentally strong and the rich won’t easily succumb, but the already vulnerable will find it hard to keep up the good spirits. They are the ones that are flagged for dying. But how to get to meaningful numbers? Here, once again Bill Gates enters the scene. According to a growing number of professional medical voices a gigantic psyop is going on, potentially leading to those percentual reductions mentioned before. In fact, two stories are going on. The first is that existing tests are proving the prevalence or remnants thereof of any coronavirus, in most cases the common cold. You can imagine, by the end of winter a vast majority will test positive for this. Older and weaker patients, those having difficulty with fighting off a cold, will end up in hospital, where they receive the wrong treatment. The covid problem apparently is not the insufficient intake capacity of the lungs, but of the blood. This blood cell deficiency is highly likely caused by physically inserted HIV genetical material, not by the rather innocuous virus itself. Poor covid is just a patsy for the CIA. Wrongly diagnosed (because rescue teams working under stress are forced to use protocols handed down to them) patients in the West are put on ventilators which paralyse their lung functions, leaving them to suffocate. Meanwhile, story two, a reasonably successful medicinal treatment is threatening to cause havoc among specific groups of humans, mostly but not exclusively found in the global south. It seems having a malaria history is causing a genetic rarity into the umptieth generation which makes this particular medication particularly dangerous, a side effect well-known for many years. It is supposed to be the explanation for African-Americans showing to be exceptionally vulnerable to covid, making clear that this susceptibility can linger on beyond memory. Once again, these are not my words. I just felt I should pass them on because they alert me.

In the end, what’s getting most difficult is dying. Not, that I am afraid of it, I am too old for that, I just don’t want to be known for having allowed them to get away with their crimes. I’m here to give them a hard time, is what I mean. ‘Cause I ain’t dying for nobody’s sake but my loved ones.

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