domingo, 13 de junio de 2021

Beyond the point of no return

When the initial covid scare was over, about a year ago, with death rates back to normal and lots of people gearing up for the needless fear trip which has been stifling society ever since, it was easy to stand out. I knew immediately I wasn’t going to wear the mask outdoors. It was too absurd, too childish, or sheepish as we say these days. Who don’t want to show their beautiful smile all around? Wearing a dysfunctional mask simply because someone says so, was beyond me. I just couldn’t do it. Shoot me first, I wasn’t born for that. So I walked the streets of my neighbourhood barefaced, as I always had, and endured the angry and frightened looks of my fellow city dwellers, old, young and children. They told me I was killing them, their eyes I mean, and I wasn’t at all convinced they were wrong. What did I know? I donned the diaper to enter a shop and I turned away from the police patrolling my streets – I’ve come to know a lot more about windows -, but furthermore I pretended nothing was going on, as happened to be in general terms my assessment of the situation. Meanwhile, everybody was clearly going crazy. It was frightening and I wanted to help, but it was too soon. The fear porn was still too exhilarating to most. Let’s all pray for the jab. I struggled through winter, lucky to have found my local speak-easy where life went on behind closed shutters. I was living my useless but needed resistance, because I didn’t know what else to do. Writing was out of the question. I had written all there was to write, I had in fact been warning for everything that was coming to pass in some form or other, there was no point in doing so any longer. To ease my feelings, I learned to play the piano, hoping to create some beauty in the face of all the sadness. It hasn’t been easy for the old fingers but I manage some much-appreciated tunes. Then spring came with a stutter and finally people around me started pulling down the denigrating fibre which had been covering their expressions for a full year. I was so happy for a couple of minutes! It took me that long to realise things were in fact changing in a dangerous way. Despite concerns from once respected doctors and scandalously large numbers of deaths and disabled, ever more people let it be known they’d had the jab and were totally fine with that and they were getting ever younger. Inevitably, I was sent a text message, that I was electable to make an appointment for inoculation. I swiped the call away while driving to work. Next came the voice. When was I planning to drop in? No estoy interesado. A short silence and a pitiful sigh: I may always call if I changed my mind. I don’t think I will, thank you. Putting down my screen, it struck me I had crossed a border. I was in pristine territory. So far, my resistance had been futile, just a reminder for my neighbours another solution was possible if everybody demanded it at once. Now, with my refusal to comply I had entered the realm of the registered rebels. Registered rebel, your life is a mess. I was officially a menace to society. I had never before been a menace to public life. I had fantasized about it in some stories, once how refusing military service (which I had) could be sufficient to get a round-up call in crisis times, yet I have never felt exposed to such an all-powerful adversary for real. They know me by now. The system can crush me any time it wants to, the fact it hasn’t yet is merely proof of my insignificance. They’re too busy injecting at the moment, me and my peers will be dealt with in due course. The only hope I have left is that the whole farce will be exposed and the props fall down before they get to me. Sorry for the obstinacy, reader, but I’ve got a family to protect. I also hope I’m not alone in this. I hope many thinking people feel in their guts something’s not right here and this crazy ride we’re on is leading us like lemmings straight to the precipice. Now we are not lemmings but humans, so many will turn back on time, but an even greater part seems destined not to be around much longer. This is not my favourite thought. I’m 59 years old. I’ve had the easiest of lives imaginable. I grew up in the easiest of times in one of the easiest countries in the world, 1970s Netherland. I had everything going for me and lots of fun messing up myself, if not everybody were seeing the fun of me wasting my life. The nineties helped us straighten ourselves out. You had to work for it but there was easy money for almost everyone. I established myself as a talent whore and managed to live off my pen for the next seventeen years. Once here in Spain, with my business dissolved and nobody interested in my trade, I learned how to teach English to you lot. It has been an amazing experience. New in the wonderful city of Barcelona, so beautiful and vibrant, so cheeky and elegant and full of emotion, I found in my students the environment that taught me how to mingle and be one of the crowd, in short how to find my place. And I believe I have after another 15 years. You see, I have 32 years of economic independence behind my back. I have never had a full-time contract in my working life. I’ve been on a zero hour contract for some years now is all. I have never earned much. There were a few smash hits in my previous profession – teaching doesn’t allow for spectacular successes – but over all I have covered my needs without ever pitching on an existing relationship. I am satisfied with that. Whenever the covid passport is required to keep moving around, I feel I can leave the labour realm without remorse. The question, though, is, what comes next? I guess I have little choice but to keep struggling till the end. I wonder if I’ll be sacrificed before those injections’ devastating effects set in. Because many people will get very sick, they are programmed to be. I really don’t get this, even less than masks. Why on earth would you let your genetic make-up be messed with, like you were some cheap potato? There’s no need for anyone who can reasonably suspect to survive the disease, and that’s most of us. All you do, is create new virus variants which will require new vaccines and so on. You’re on a highway to hell. Stop this madness, please. Not the children! I won’t likely be around to see it end. Want nobody left to tell all about it. They will stick with the virus version, just like those fools who are destined to live a little longer. I once wrote a story on this theme, how an old man who had seen the transition happening tried to keep the truth hidden from his inquisitive granddaughter, available in the hemeroteca of agitadoras. It was done as a play. I reposted it on some months ago. Enough whining, now. I am waiting for people to join me in grabbing our last straw this summer and liberate us from the madness, because come autumn come trouble again. We all know this to be true. I hope you will heed these words and take time to learn a bit about the truth and nonsense of alternative insights so you can decide for yourself where you, as an individual, stand. Go to and follow names, or find your own strategy. See you mask free on the streets of your town, so we can talk business. And don’t be late.

The Covid Era Survival Guide

When it comes to managing the shadier workings of government influence on everyday life, the subterranean traveller has been somewhat of a close witness to sincere efforts at resistance, and I consider him an adequate person to turn to for advice on safely navigating the rough waters our world has been plunged into with the advent of the covid phenomenon. As by magical serendipitous happenstance, the traveller had recently stumbled upon an obscure survival guide, CESG, written by a certain gender-unclear Jahani, with practical tips for those who wish to continue their antiquated full-human experience a while longer. I was granted permission by the finder, that is the traveller, to quote some of its more poignant insights.

From the first page onwards, CESG makes it clear that the existence of Sars2 has totally lost its relevance with regards to the way we handle covid and its many side-effects. What counts, are the multitude of barriers our rulers have put up in our way and which prevent us from living the simple and meaningful lives most of us were used to. Always led to believe in external danger and the power of authority to deal with it, many people these days are overwhelmed by the elites’ ability to serve up horror and fear without end. They seem enthralled by so much bad news and follow every mad rule with religious zeal, fully embracing their lifetime’s great disaster, a bit like WW3 but then without the fall-out. It is this mindset you must first get rid of, writes Jahani, as it renders you powerless to outside manipulation. No fear. Remember that nineties slogan? The chances of dying are slim enough to accept the risk without much thought. And if you do fall sick, intelligent behaviour and your grandmother’s flu recipes will get you a long way. A cool head is a first requirement.

Subsequently, it’s important not to follow any covid rule so as not to get infected by the idea there might be something understandable or acceptable about the whole mad circus. In Spain, the first rule to stop abiding by is mask wearing. Masks do not protect, as several recent studies have shown – if they did, you wouldn’t be able to breathe -, yet they can cause long term harm through the build-up of bacteria in your lungs, something which is especially dangerous for elderly people with their weakened respiratory systems. Cast them off, those face diapers, and open a window if you must, much healthier. The fear of getting fined can be ameliorated by the realisation that most police officers have stopped handing out tickets as long as you do not openly provoke them. There seems to be an understanding these fines will not hold in a court of law as the ruling lacks any scientific or logical basis. So, show your face again and throw us that smile of yours.

Jahani’s next tip may sound somewhat controversial, though I believe it is well-intentioned and would make sense. The author suggests anyone who isn’t at high risk of developing adverse reactions should get themselves infected with the virus. The positives are twofold: you build up antibodies against the disease and you help establishing herd immunity. It has always been inexplicable why governments worldwide would resist this natural and basically unavoidable practice of blocking the virus from spreading. Was it really only to offer Big Pharma a windfall or does Sars2 harbour dangers the public is not informed about? Overall death numbers suggest such dangers can’t be considered too serious, and anyone with a big heart is invited to do their bit. There is a caveat, though. Rumour has it that inoculated people may be continuously producing spike protein and therefore virus, making them particularly dangerous to anybody not yet shot up with the experimental gene therapy treatment which is sold to us by the innocuous label vaccine. So, be careful who you get sloppy with.

Avoiding mask wearing may imply for a lot of people they should leave their current jobs, as offices, shops and workplaces offer scant opportunity for following your own logic. If you have got any savings, use them to get you and your loved ones through the present ordeal with an eye on what the future holds. Remember, the more people engage in this practice, the quicker the economy crumbles and governments may be forced to end the mad show, as their goal clearly is to destroy only certain segments of society, mostly those where people are either self-employed or work in small family businesses. It’s always scary to be the one who lays down the gauntlet, but be assured that under the present circumstances the vast majority of the population would love to see all restrictions lifted and many may be ready to join in. The more we are, the sooner all this will be over. Of course, if you are able to make money from home through some form of teleworking, do so, as nobody should be forced into starving for the common good. A basic rule to follow would be that the longer you can hang on without a steady job, the stronger the commitment to resistance required of you.

Concerning covid care, Jahani implores every reader to stay far away from testing and inoculation. It is becoming quite clear that the gene therapy roll-out is a vast experiment an unwitting world population is often forcefully submitted to and, while at present no more people are dying from the injection than from infection, this may change as soon as the cold weather returns and all those DNA altered bodies start overreacting to natural virus attacks. This being the case, it would of course be best to retreat to a solitary hide-out which offers the possibility to grow your own food and generate your own electricity. With the threat of disconnect from public utility services growing ever louder, city life may become mostly impossible for those who still believe they should follow their own mind and heart instead of being pushed around by a bunch of malevolent psychopaths and their henchmen in government. Remember Adolf Eichmann? He was the one who during WW2 organised the train transports to the death camps in Poland, and a stellar job he did. In the midst of all the scarcity and danger that warfare brings, he managed to keep his trains running on the clock. After the war, he claimed he had only been following orders and that was probably correct. He had simply forgotten to use his moral sense. When I see our current crop of politicians and “health” professionals on TV, I can’t help but seeing lots of Eichmänner. Will they one day offer the survivors a “Wir haben es nicht gewusst” for consolation?

Jahani leaves a sobering truth for last: do not pin your hopes on the future. There is no future. The covid measures are meant to take the future away from us. If we, as humanity, want a future, we will have to create it ourselves. For most people, this will constitute an insurmountable task, used as they are to following leaders. It will therefore be up to those who rather rely on their own gut feelings to take their friends and neighbours by the hand through leading by example. Whether we can be successful depends on many factors, most of which we do not control. If all this is not the sideshow of blunders and stupidity many like to see in it, but actually a concerted effort to get rid of a large swath of humankind, then our resistance may be too little too late. Yet what else can we do than resist going into that dark night meekly? Me, I’m not the revolutionary type and I’m often willing to accept the shortcomings of life on Earth plane as a given, but I was raised through circumstance and conviction in the belief my life, my physical integrity, belongs to nobody but myself and I am planning to defend that right until its final consequence.