Summer is coming to an end and once more we haven’t changed the world, as summers seldom fulfil their promise. It’s just endless showing off and spending big, flirting and mating all around, and Barcelona has been hot and sweaty, causing many to drink too much. The mood is relaxed, sometimes dreamy or just sleepy. Summer, you are a wonderful intermezzo of little weight in human affairs. Come harvest, we start working again. Always have. Soon we will be ready for summer to end. But are we this time? Are we aware life is planned to become much harder in autumn, and even more so in winter? Are we ready for that? Or are we simply clinging on to what we still have left, while dreaming of it never going away?
It is rumoured covid measures are back on the agenda. Wearing non-protective masks, closing down public life, lining people up for random injections, the whole shebang. And if it isn’t for covid, then perhaps it is because some fools believe we should breathe less to keep temperatures down, or whatever it is these people are thinking. Meanwhile, they are threatening us with a freezing winter and runaway inflation. Is that getting you worried already? How are you going to live through that?
Perhaps we shouldn’t be bothered. Perhaps we should resist further compliance with senseless rules that are only leading our societies on the path to destruction. You’ll own nothing, yeah, sure, but not just earthly possessions. We are going to lose everything we have, all the human relations we have built in our neighbourhoods and at work. We are going to be atomised, isolated from each other. Even households are in danger. Are you ready for that as well? What continuing acceptance of ever more tyrannical nonsense produces is degeneration. Decadence, in the original Latin meaning of the word. People are losing their connection with decency, with logic and kindness. The ongoing stress, even easy summer is not completely without it, drives people to step into survival mode. In such a situation, many will choose the safety of the herd. If we do as most people do, then we should be okay in the end, is what they think.
Some dig their studs in the sand. They see things their own way and refuse to budge. Yet again others are actually reaching out to their neighbours in the hope of building some form of communal resistance. What these heroes cannot avoid, is that we will all go down together if this onslaught of tyranny isn’t halted collectively. We each have an incentive here. You know, being well-connected isn’t half the fun in a dictatorial system as it is in a humane society. So, why don’t we bond? Let’s leave our differences aside and accept that very few are going to have a nice winter if we do not stop our authorities. We cannot get at the ones at the top, because we do not know who they are, but we can take on the control system. It is filled with people like us, perhaps a tad more ambitious and talented, who are just doing their job. They will suffer as well in the end.
Come on, people, the show is over. The consumer society has reached its conclusion. It’s been a long while coming, and we always knew it couldn’t last because it is simply unnatural to throw packaging away, to buy a new TV set every few years, to suffer in traffic jams to get to work each day, to fly around the world only to expand your tacky souvenir collection. Clearly, the elites have pulled to plug on us, and we will have to accept their decision because there is no way back. The days of stupidity are over. Yet, we can seize the moment that was created for us and turn the planned disaster into a brand new start. It’s like judo, you wait for the other to move and then you use that energy to your benefit.
We humans are the salt of the Earth. What our rulers pretend to be, I don’t know and I don’t care. I don’t need to understand them to want to get rid of them. Their actions speak for themselves. It is a clever scheme. All who reach the top in their field are in on the game, whether they realise it or not, because only their actions are taken seriously (being expert and all), so they help create the havoc our friend Yuval Harari is so enthusiastic about. “We shall destroy ourselves because we can.” It is the western way of thinking. Yet, the world is so much bigger. Plenty of cleverer solutions available.
The idea that people should come together in one system where we are all thinking the same to keep us from fighting each other, is a dangerous one. Who in such a system are your leaders going to be? Who is making decisions for you? Can you trust these unknown entities? Covid has shown us that the wrong decisions can quickly spread through the ranks and do sudden harm on a worldwide scale. Cutting off the patient-GP relation was a horrendous idea, inspired only by megalomanic thinking, that must have cost many thousands of lives in any given country. It was so stupid, in fact, that it became shameless. That authorities subsequently refused to adapt their murderous policies to new insights is simply scandalous. While admitting that covid wasn’t worse than any other flu, they keep pressing for the same senseless mandates that have brought us nothing but trouble. I know, people have died from covid, whatever it is, but many more have fallen victim to the absurd fear campaign, this state of psychosis that has become the ground which all further decision making is vested on. I don’t know about you, but I believe love and trust are a healthier basis for responsible care than psychosis, a condition that in individual cases is treated with lifelong medication. Patients are not supposed to be carrying any kind of responsibility during bouts of madness.
So, now you have taken the jab. Many got one or two, some three or even more. That was pretty stupid, pretty psychotic. No, you’re not all going to die. The system would rather have you sick, so it can extract money from you. Some will die, though, just enough to keep you fearful and come back for more. That’s weird, isn’t it? You cling to what scares you. It’s like being a drug addict. With every fix there is the awareness you don’t know what you were sold and you may not get through this one alive. It is sickening, but such is the life of a junkie. I sometimes wonder whether some addictive shit was put in the mix that we are not allowed to know the ingredients of as we are still in the experimental phase, so as to make you come back for more sooner. Sorry, this is conspiracy thinking. My bad. Have you noticed how any attempt at understanding the world amounts to conspiracy thinking? You are only allowed to read up on today’s official opinions, presented to you by TV and papers.
It is not in our interest to continue with this medical programme of endless gene-altering injections. Sure, the theory says it can be done, how wonderful, but do we need to fall into this trap again? That something is possible doesn’t make it a good idea. We are losing ourselves on the road to technocracy. I wonder if we will ever be able to get happy this way. We are giving up our God-connection. For many people that is a very heavy price to pay, as it should be.
I can go on about tyranny and control for quite a while. I’ve written seven novels on the topic. But let’s finish this rant on a high. Lokalize it.
Once again, the idea of worldwide unity paints a beautiful picture, but it hasn’t been showing its worth so far. Are we to believe that the same people who got rich by abusing us will now come up with the benign solutions they promise us? That is why I plea for local control. The smaller the unit, the easier its members can successfully protest unjust and stupid laws.
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